Sunday, July 24, 2011

What's Your Position, Soldier?!

Wow....It's almost been a month since I've posted a blog. To say my life has been hectic is a gross understatement.

We had a very successful VBS where we had a grand total of 15 (FIFTEEN!) salvations! God is so good! It was totally worth all of the running around and stresses I had to deal with.

Hopefully soon I'll make a post of nothing but VBS pictures.

My greatgrandmother, Grandma Fern turned 105 on July 11th. Her health is greatly deteriorating and right now, we are just praying for God's mercy. Please add her to your prayers. She's one of my favorite people in the world, and it's been so difficult to see her in her present state. It truly breaks my heart.

Two of my cousins got married within one week! I love my new cousins-in law. Here they are....

Teila and Joel

Audrey and Andrew

We just got back from Amarillo on Sunday. It was so good to get to see my cousins and I had a blast. Here's a few pics of my family.

My sister Molly and her son, Charlie:
 My Grandma and Grandpa:

Andrew and Audrey danced down the aisle. I am trying to find a good video of the dance. As soon as I find it I'll attach it to this post.

There have been so many other things going on, though there is no need to go into a lot of detail.

Starting today I will be trying to be more faithful in posting to my blog. It's very therapeutic for me. Whether anyone reads or not doesn't make a huge difference (sorry, to my 3 followers! :P) it's just nice to get things out.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Just Pray

Sometimes you just have to cry yourself to sleep, this is one of those nights for me, please pray.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mountain of God

Of all the times I've heard this song on the radio, it never reached me the way it did just now on my drive home. I've been dealing with a lot in my life. A lot of personal struggles and opportunities to lean on my Heavenly Father! It almost brought me to tears truly hearing what was being said, and I wanted to share this with whoever choses to read this!

Thought that I was all alone
Broken and afraid
But You were there with me
Yes, You were there with me

And I didn't even know
That I had lost my way
But You were there with me
Yes, You were there with me

'Til You opened up my eyes
I never knew
That I couldn't ever make it
Without You

Even though the journey's long
And I know the road is hard
Well, the One who's gone before me
He will help me carry on
After all that I've been through
Now I realize the truth
That I must go through the valley
To stand upon the mountain of God
As I travel on the road
That You have lead me down
You are here with me
Yes, You are here with me
I have need for nothing more
Oh, now that I have found
That You are here with me
Yes, You are here with me

I confess from time to time
I lose my way
But You are always there
To bring me back again
Sometimes I think of where it is I've come from
And the things I've left behind
But of all I've had, what I possessed
Nothing can quite compare
With what's in front of me
With what's in front of me

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Clyde Makes New Friends!

One thing I love about Tim, is that he knows just how to make my day. A couple of weeks ago I went to a specialist I've been seeing for a year. The news that every patients dreads to hear was delivered to me. "There's nothing more that we can do" I was a wreck. I called Tim just bawling my eyes out, looking for some sort of comfort. At the same time I was having to drive to my second appointment for the day. Oiy!

At this appointment we discovered the reasons my arms and legs have been going numb is that I had 2 bulging discs. I was almost relieved to hear that, it meant that I'm not crazy. I haven't been imagining this stuff and there is a cause. They told me we can try to correct them with physical therapy. So we went ahead and did a session.

Those silly little "exercises" hurt. It's so embarrassing, there are no weights, no cardio, no sweating.....but ooouuuccchhh! I was beat.

After everything was all said and done for the day I headed over to Tim's house to hang out, maybe rent a movie. When I got there, he said 'Put your shoes back on.'    Huh? I was confused. He proceeded to tell me we were taking Clyde to the DOG PARK!! :O

I've been begging nagging asking Tim to let us go ever since he decided to keep Clyde. One thing you should know about Tim, he's stubborn. Very stubborn. Usually once he makes up his mind, there is no changing it. So when I heard those glorious words come out of his mouth, as painful as it was, I started jumping up and down. It immediately lifted my spirits!

We grabbed my camera and Clyde's leash and headed to the dog park. I wish I had taken more pics, but I was so busy having a blast I forgot. Here's what I did get:

Clyde drinking out of the CLEAN water bucket. There was a dog that kept peeing in the other one. G-ROSS! The water buckets were a popular spot. Some dogs liked to bury their heads in the water and blow bubbles. It was hilarious!
 Clyde made friends with "Q" He was a 12 week old German Shedder Shepard that likes to wrestle as much as him. The white dog is the "Pee-er." Not only did he pee in the water, but also on another dog- GASP! We watched him very closely!
 Clyde also liked to watch all the new dogs come in the park. He was very attentive to all of the happenings.
 He didn't pace himself very well though, so he had to sped a lot of his time catching his breath.
 Here's Tim and Clyde. I love the smile on Tim's face and how content Clyde looks here. <3
 This is Tim giving me the infamous, "Really, Marsha?!" face. I had only taken about 20 pictures. So I didn't really feel it was necessary.

All in all, Tim made my day completely better. I was able to forget about the bad report from the doctors and all of the other stuff that's been stressing me out for a few hours and just relax and have some fun. He's the best! 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

More Good Times.

Today has been a great day! I was able to go shopping all by myself. I love getting to chance to go shopping alone. Does that make me wierd? Oh well, it was nice and relaxing. I bought a new dress and a new shirt. I also found some suh-weet boots. They are dark brown suede equestrian style boots and I got them for a steal. Love it when that happens!

After I got done with all that I called and chatted with Tim. We decided to go to Ton's for lunch. Do they have Ton's by where you live? If you don't have one near you, you just don't know what your missing! It's like Genghis Grill but sooooooo much better in my opinion. They also give you free ice cream after your meal. Free ice cream = awesome!


I got a new Mary Kay order today! Still trying to find hostesses for parties. I'm so in love with all of the products. They are fabulous, there's just no other word to describe them. If you read my blog you know that I had chicken pox last week. Gross, I know. But get a load of this; my face barely looks like the rest of my body where I had "breakouts" of the pox. I wash my face with the TimeWise Miracle set in the mornings and at night. The rate at which my face's scars healed is insane! And I know it's becasue of the ingredients in our skin care line.

If it wasn't so gross I'd take pics for you to compare for yourself. But that's so gnarly I just can't bring myself to do it. Instead I'll show you what the Miracle Set looks like. Boy did you get lucky!! My face looks so good, lol, not trying to sound vain. I'm just saying considering I had chicken pox last week, by looking at my face alone you'd never guess.


Got to chat with lmy grandma in San Antonio for a few minutes today. Man, I love her! I've been blessed with the best grandparents ever!!!! Jealous? :P

Doesn't she just look like a lot of fun to hang out with?!?!

That's about all I know. I've gotta work on a big post. It's about my first surgery, and it's hard to get through it without becoming a blubbering baby. Mother's Day is a big deal for me because of what my mom has done for me on that special day devoted to moms. Stay tuned and get out your Kleenex!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Good Times.

Today was a good day, though I had a rough start. Good news is the chicken pox are gone!

Sing it with me, "Ding dong the pox are gone...dada da da""

Yesterday was rough stuff! I worked from 9 am - 1:30 am Friday and I was pooped! Tim finished the huge job he was working on too, so today was a nice day off for both of us. But getting out of bed this morning...OY! I thnk instead of having a crick in my neck I had a crick in everything else. Moving was rough! Once I got to moving and got a nice hot shower in things started getting better.

I got dressed and all gussied up and headed for casa de la Tim. He had some shopping to do and asked if I wanted to go. Um, hellooooo? Is that even a question that needs to be asked? Of COURSE I'll come shopping with you! There's nothing I love more than giving my unsolicited opinion!!!

After shopping and errands we had a suuuuuper late lunch at Mercado Juarez...nummy nummy nummy! We had the fajitas for two with chicken and beef. We ate til we were miserable and still had tons of left-overs. Score!

Tim is so kind, he bought me a new pair of sunglasses and endured taking me into Petsmart. I'm a big "ooooh and awwwww!"-er. Every other step in that store I found something cute to admire. The whole time he's looking at harnesses for Clyde and talking to me about all the different features he's hearing me act like a 10 year old girl. "Look at the puppy Tim! Did you see the puppy?! Wasn't it cute? .....Yes it was. I don't care what you say it was precious. Did you see that dog go down the slide?!?!"

I guess I should explain that they were holding a Diggie Day Camp today and one of the walls was solid glass where you could peek in. They had a fisher price little plastic play fort the puppies to climb in and there was a little black dog that loved the slide. It was so presh!!!

After Petsmart we headed to Tim's house again for a movie night.

It was a great day and a nice break from being stuck inside all the time and getting away from the stress. I'm so glad he's able to handle me. :p

On another note;  I miss my grandparents. I think I'll call my grandma tomorrow just to chit chat.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

RanDUMB Moments

Although most people know that I am the queen of finding good deals, back when I first became a Christian, I had a very well paying job and LOVED splurging on myself. Price was usually an afterthought. Crazy, huh? I'm glad that my attitude about money has been transformed! Thank you, LORD!

I had a super cute pair of shoes made by a fancy designer. The name of which is not important. Possibly because I'm ashamed of the ridiculous price tag these shoes had. I also had an adorable pair of pink heels from Target. Under $30 -holla!!

This story is already getting randumb, huh? Well, that was a little information you needed before I could share with you the actual story.

One Sunday I woke up in a frenzy. I slept in. LATE. I don't do late. I HATE being late, especially for church! I jumped out of bed and sped through my morning routine. I slapped on my make up. Arranged my hair in some sort of quick up-do. Got dressed into the first outfit I saw in my closet. Hopped into my shoes. Swung my purse over my shoulder, snatched up my Bible and flew out the door.   { I'm sure I brushed my teeth somewhere in there. :/ }

By some miracle I managed to catch all green lights on the way to church. Whew! I pulled up to the church at 9:59 a.m. BAM! I'd be taking my seat juuust in time for the start of worship service. I opened my car door and swung my leg out to climb out of my car...Ohhhhhmigoodness!!! I'm wearing two different shoes!!!! How did this happen?! It's not like it was two black shoes that looked similar. No. This was a cute, expensive, sleek black pump that cost a small fortune and a cheap, hot pink peep-toe shoe! Whaaaa? The only similarity between them wehre that the heels were the same height.

I was so amused with myself. I thought it was hilarious! But then I got to thinking, I've only known these people for a month or two....what will they think? You know how us women get. Whatever. I just shrugged it off, pulled my shoulders back, held my head high and marched into that church like nothing was wrong.

I think was the first glimpse everyone got of the real me. It was funny, and I got ribbed about it for a few months, but it was all in good fun.

What got to me was this one question: How could I not feel the difference between a $27 pair of shoes from target and a high end pair of heels?!

Things that make ya go hmmmmm....