Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WOW!!! What a week!!!

In the past week I have had a whirlwind of things happen. Most of them you would consider bad. But all I can say is, "Thank you, LORD!!" It has been nothing short of bizzarre. But, through it all, I've grown even CLOSER to my Savior. What an opportunity I was given to strengthen my faith and learn sooooo much! I shouldn't and won't go into what happened on here. Just trust me when I say that nothing could have prepared me for an attack like this.

I've learned to love people, despite what they do to you.

To look beyond the situation and individuals involved to see the true source of malice ( the enemy)

To forgive, freely with a sincere heart.

To leave revenge to God, and not desire retalliation.

My eyes have been opened to so many things. I'm so glad I go to The Vine Fellowsip, to have such a fantastic pastor that as he said it, "has my back." All of my close relationships have been strengthened tenfold compared to where they were seven days ago. God is just flat out amazing! Spectacular!! He is ALIVE and on His throne!!!

I know that most of you will diregard this post, especially not knowing what all has happened, but know this: God loves you more than you could ever imagine. True Love moves you out of your comfort zone to move you forward!!!

What an AMAZING God we serve!!

Here are a couple conclusions I've made this week that have strongly encouraged me:

1. Forgive, even if the offender does not ask to be forgiven. Quit waiting around for the person who hurt you to come to you and tell you exactly what you think you need to hear in order to forgive them. There is a chance they will never be a big enough person to ask you for your forgiveness.

2. Treat those who injured or offended you with kindness, not harboring any grudge or speaking of that individual in a condemning way. (This Is A Tough One)

Romans 2:4 (NLT)
Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Cant’ you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?

I love this verse because at its core it says; If you are willing to treat your offender with kindness, you could actually be pointing them toward God. Kindness goes a long way!!

3. If the opportunity presents itself, do something good for the person who hurt or offended you.